On Dec. 12, 2024, Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long convened her final All-Hands Arts Call, thanking the Delaware Division of the Arts (DDOA), Delaware Arts Alliance (DAA), and local arts leaders for their partnership. The discussion focused on the importance of continued participation and organizing with the arts sector.
Neil Kirschling, Executive Director of the Delaware Arts Alliance shared the following:
During this time of political administration transitions at the local, county, and state levels, it is important for the arts community to continue to speak up and draw connections between our work and that of the broader economy and community. The DAA informed attendees that they would be sitting down and working with elected officials discuss opportunities to convene the sector next year, and to stay tuned for any dates such as the Arts and Culture Caucus meetings and any other All-Hands Arts Community Calls.
- WHAT is the key message:
- Beyond its artistic value, Delaware’s creative economy is a powerful economic driver that generates jobs and quality-of-life.
- In developing the CREATE Plan, Delaware has become a national leader when it comes to putting creative industries at the forefront of economic development conversations. There is momentum to build upon.
- The CREATE Plan is a roadmap for unlocking the creative economy’s potential, which benefits everyone.
- WHO can we tell this message to:
- Governor, Key Staff (inc. transition team, appointees), Lt. Governor
- State Legislators
- County and City-level Executive leaders and Councilpersons
- WHAT are the ACTIONS elected officials can take: late 2024-early 2025
- Turn to the CREATE Plan as a roadmap for supporting the creative economy and advance its recommendations
- Include recommendations in transition reports (for executive leaders)
- Propose and pass a budget where arts investments keep up with sector needs
- Participate in the Arts and Culture Caucus (specific to State Legislators)
- Turn to the CREATE Plan as a roadmap for supporting the creative economy and advance its recommendations
- Additional resource:
- For high-level talking points you can use for the CREATE Plan, utilize this one-pager from the DAA. (CREATE Plan Talking Points and Questions for Elected Officials) This resource includes introductory talking points, and support for conversations about the economy, diversity and access, arts education, and tourism, as well as follow up questions for if you find yourself in discussion.
Jessica Ball, Director of the Delaware Division of the Arts:
- Jessica shared that DDOA is working with their grantees about their new partnership with SMU Data Arts, a tool to track the health and vibrancy of the creative sector, and for tackling the issues affecting the arts statewide. The data is collected from General Operating Support grantees and primarily includes their financial and audience information. This program allows the DDOA and its grantees to be proactive and identify areas for potential growth and development and will launch in 2025. Over time, this information can be used for reports and advocacy support.
- Deadline for annual DDOA grants is March 3. DDOA staff are available to answer any questions about applying. Jessica shared that the DDOA incorporated CREATE Plan recommendations into their internal policy planning including:
- Pursuing a marketing campaign for DelawareScene.com, to promote artists, events, and job opportunities.
- Exploring year-round training opportunities and grants.
- In 2025, the DDOA will start their next strategic plan (2026-2030) and host the bi-annual Arts Summit in October.
Attendees shared their December events and news.