Message From the Executive Director | Why Cultural Tourism Matters

Imagine being on vacation wandering through the cobbled streets of a historic town, where every corner unveils a masterpiece of local artistry. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the melodic tunes of street musicians, inviting you to immerse yourself in the cultural complexity woven by generations past. This is the magic that happens when tourism intertwines with the arts, and we at the Delaware Arts Alliance believe we can have that same feeling right here in Delaware. We are proud of our state and want Delaware to be a sought-after destination, welcoming both out-of-state and in-state explorers to experience the breadth of offerings that can be found statewide.

The Creative Economy Advancement and Tourism Expansion (CREATE) Plan, a growth and recovery plan for the creative economy and cultural tourism sector in Delaware, highlights the positive opportunities and potential for connecting tourism to the arts.

Tourism has long been recognized as a catalyst for economic growth, but tourism’s superpower lies in its ability to foster connections—connections between people, places, and experiences. Similarly, the arts possess a unique ability to transcend language barriers and ignite the flames of creativity within us all. By connecting these two forces, we create a synergy that not only enriches our economy but also nourishes our souls.

When tourists visit a destination, they seek more than just sights to see; they crave authentic experiences that leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s a local art gallery showcasing the works of emerging talents or one of our many local festivals, we have an opportunity to provide visitors with a window into the heart and soul of Delaware.

By investing in cultural tourism and creating policy that strengthens the arts, we empower local artists and artisans, creating sustainable livelihoods and preserving cultural heritage for future generations. We have the chance to breathe new life into neglected neighborhoods, transforming them into vibrant hubs of creativity and innovation. We can bridge the gap between different cultures, fostering understanding and appreciation for the rich complexities of human expression.

As part of the research to develop the CREATE Plan, our research team, Sound Diplomacy commenced an extensive statewide asset mapping process. This mapping process identified creative, cultural and tourism-related assets in Delaware. Asset mapping is a strategic planning tool used to identify and visualize the strengths, resources, and capacities within a community, organization, or system. Here’s how the CREATE Plan asset map can be used:

  • Identifying Resources: Asset maps help to identify the diverse range of assets within a community or organization. These assets can include tangible resources such as physical infrastructure, facilities, funding sources, and equipment, as well as intangible assets such as human capital, skills, knowledge, social networks, and cultural heritage.
  • Building Community Connections: By visualizing potential connections, the CREATE Plan asset map will enable stakeholders to identify opportunities for partnership and mutual support, leading to more effective and sustainable initiatives.
  • Strategic Planning: The CREATE Plan asset map will be able to inform strategic planning processes by providing a comprehensive overview of available resources and strengths. Organizations and local communities can use the asset map to prioritize areas for development, allocate resources more efficiently, and leverage existing assets.
  • Promoting Asset-Based Approaches: By emphasizing what communities have rather than what they lack, asset mapping empowers local residents and organizations to take ownership of their development processes and build upon their unique assets.
    Informing Decision-Making: By providing a clear understanding of available resources and capacities, the CREATE Plan asset map will provide valuable insights to stakeholders, including community leaders, policy makers and funders, helping them make well-informed decisions about resource allocation, program design, and collaboration strategies as it relates to Delaware’s creative economy.

From New Castle County to Sussex County, we want tourists and residents to access all of the cultural experiences Delaware has to offer. Let’s nurture the connection between tourism and the arts, recognizing it not only as a pathway to economic prosperity but also as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who wander in search of beauty and meaning. Stay tuned and stay engaged for more details on the CREATE Plan, asset map, and action plan!

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